It has been a memorable week. Tuesday morning began with bagpipes and being hollered at by a Viking Jarl Squad in splendid attire. For it was Up Helly Aa. At lunch, I ignored the rain and went to catch a glimpse of the longship that was to burn that evening. So much attention to detail and I was particularly struck by the raven perched on it. In the evening, I stood with a silly grin on my face as the Viking Squads took to the streets with torches. So beautiful to watch. The clouds cleared and under the starlight, I watched as the squads threw their torches into the longship. I could feel the heat from some distance away. Absolutely gorgeous to watch the flames leap up the mast and incredibly, the raven flag seemed unharmed until the mast finally gave way. Then gazed up to the sky for a beautiful firework display. (you can google Up Helly Aa 2016 to see photos)
This is only halfway through the festivities for most as the squads will go from hall to hall to perform skits all night long. I headed home. The next morning I came across more than a few who were still enjoying the festivities - quite impressed to see some large, hairy men still attired in slinky, yellow, skintight mini dresses with wigs. Most impressive is that they still had on a nice coat of pink lipstick!